More signs that you need roof repair in Ridgewood NJ

Signs that it is time for a roof repair in Ridgewood NJ, Pt. II

Signs that it is time for a roof repair in Ridgewood NJ, Pt. II

In our previous article, we showed you a list of signs that you need to call your preferred contractor for services of roof repair in Ridgewood NJ. It is necessary that you inspect your roof often, especially after rainy or snow seasons, with the objective of noticing leaks, curling, or trapped moisture that will eventually become larger problems.

This is sadly the constant of any home repair issues: if you don’t assess a problem when it’s still little, then you will probably make it larger in a short amount of time, thus needing roof repair in Ridgewood NJ. Call it the Murphy’s Law of home repair if you’d like, but it truly happens – especially if you are an inexperienced homeowner. So, let’s go to what you came for; here are a couple more issues for which you may need to call a trusted contractor like LGM Roofing Contractor:

  • Check your gutter for granules:

Granules are basically tiny parts of the surface of roofing shingles that break loose from them. It is likely that you will find them in your gutter, so you can schedule a periodical checkup to see if this is an issue. While granules often break loose from new or recently installed shingles, if you’ve owned your house for a while, then it’s a certain indicator that you need roof repair in Ridgewood NJ since your roofing shingles are about to end their service life. Also, you can reach the same conclusion if the color of the shingles is inconsistent or if you see darker granular shading.

 Age of roof:

The lifespan of your roof depends of several factors, including its material, presence of installation errors, climate, etc. If you’ve owned your house for quite some time, then you should know what the average lifespan of your roofing material is. Asphalt shingles, for instance, may last up to 25 years with good maintenance; conversely, metal roofing is exponentially more durable (50-75 years). So, whether you need roof repair in Ridgewood NJ depends on your own assessment.

That’s it. Whenever you face these issues, be sure to call LGM Roofing ContractorInc. to be assisted by an excellent team of professionals. Remember to check our blog for more interesting information!